On Tuesday 06 September 2016 09:42 AM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
Hi Todd,

Note that this relies on the fix in KAFKA-4050 and switching the PRNG to

Thanks, I hadn't noticed that JIRA. I'll make sure we use it in our setup. However, right now, (intentionally) we have single broker within the setup and based on the JIRA details, I believe this one won't affect us for now.

I read that JIRA again and saw the stacktrace. I might be wrong when I said this probably doesn't affect us given that the code path appears to the same for other SSL interactions. I'm going to introduce this patch (or in fact the latest 0.10 branch) in our setup and see how it goes.


Right now, we're specifically avoiding moving consume traffic to SSL, due
to the zero copy send issue. Now I've been told (but I have not
investigated) that OpenSSL can solve this. It would probably be a good use
of time to look into that further.

Unfortunately, the way our application is written, we don't have the ability to enable SSL for producers and disable it for consumers. Changing the application to support something like that is doable, but I will have to make sure that this is one of the reasons for the slowness.

Thanks for all your inputs. I was trying to avoid coming up with a reproducer which closely matches our application usage scenario (given our tight delivery timelines for the product), but from what you say and a reply Tom Crayford in this thread, I am starting to feel that not everyone is affected to the extent we are. I will see if I can narrow to this down to something more concrete.


That said, switching the message format to the newer option (KIP-31 I
believe?) will result in the brokers not needing to recompress message
batches that are produced. This should result in a significant reduction in
CPU usage, which may offset the cost of SSL. We haven't had a chance to
fully investigate this, however, as changing that config depends on the
clients being updated to support the new format.


On Sunday, September 4, 2016, Jaikiran Pai <jai.forums2...@gmail.com> wrote:

We are using of Kafka and (Java) client libraries. We recently
decided to start using SSL for Kafka communication between broker and
clients. Right now, we have a pretty basic setup with just 1 broker with
SSL keystore setup and the Java client(s) communicate using the
Producer/Consumer APIs against this single broker. There's no client auth (intentionally) right now. We also have plain text enabled for the initial

What we have noticed is that the consumer/producer performance when SSL is enabled is noticeably poor when compared to plain text. I understand that there are expected to be performance impacts when SSL is enabled but the order of magnitude is too high and in fact it shows up in a very noticeable fashion in our product. I do have the numbers, but I haven't been able to narrow it down yet (because there's nothing that stands out, except that it's slow). Our application code is exactly the same between non-SSL and
SSL usage.

Furthermore, I'm aware of this specific JIRA in Kafka
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2561 which acknowledges a
similar issue. So what I would like to know is, in context of Kafka 0.10.x releases and Java 8 support, are there any timelines that the dev team is looking for in terms of improving this performance issue (which I believe requires usage of OpenSSL or other non-JDK implementations of SSLEngine)? We would like to go for GA of our product in the next couple of months and
in order to do that, we do plan to have Kafka over SSL working with
reasonably good performance, but the current performance isn't promising.
Expecting this to be fixed in the next couple of months and have it
available in 0.10.x is probably too much to expect, but if we know the
plans around this, we should be able to come up with a plan of our own for
our product.


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