Kafka 9 deprecated kafka-consumer-offset-checker.sh
(kafka.tools.ConsumerOffsetChecker) in favor of kafka-consumer-groups.sh

Since this was deprecated in 9, and the full functionality of the old
script appears to be available in the new script, can we completely remove
the old shell script in K11?

>From an Ops perspective, it's confusing when I'm trying to check consumer
offsets that I open the bin directory, and see a script that seems to do
exactly what I want, only to later discover that I'm not supposed to use it.

I submitted a Jira ticket (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4517)
and Github PR (https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/2236) and was told it'd
be best to doublecheck this with the mailing list first.


Also, is there any accompanying Scala/Java code that's already deprecated
and should also be removed?

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