KIP-98 says

> A unique and persistent way to identify a producer. This is used to ensure idempotency and to enable transaction recovery or rollback across producer sessions. This is optional: you will lose cross-session guarantees if this is blank.

which might suggest that a producer that does not use the transactional features, but does set the, could get cross-session idempotency. But the design document "Exactly Once Delivery and Transactional Messaging in Kafka" rules that out:

> For the idempotent producer (i.e., producer that do not use transactional APIs), currently we do not make any cross-session guarantees in any case. In the future, we can extend this guarantee by having the producer to periodically send InitPIDRequest to the transaction coordinator to keep the AppID from expiring, which preserves the producer's zombie defence.

Until that point in the future, could my non-transactional producer send a InitPIDRequest once and then heartbeat via BeginTxnRequest/EndTxnRequest(ABORT) in intervals less than in order to guarantee cross-session itempotency? Or is that not guaranteed because "currently we do not make any cross-session guarantees in any case"? I know this is would be an ugly hack.

I guess that is also what the recently added "Producer HeartBeat" feature proposal would address - although it is described to prevent idle transactional producers from having their AppIds expired.

Related question: If KIP-98 does not make cross-session guarantees for idempotent producers, is the only improvement over the current idempotency situation the prevention of duplicate messages in case of a partition leader migration? Because if a broker fails or the publisher fails, KIP-98 does not seem to change the risk of dupes for non-transactional producers.

Btw: Good job! Both in terms of Kafka in general, and KIP-98 in particular


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