>>    - Personally I don't think splitting the admin methods up actually makes
>>    things more usable. It just makes you have to dig through our
>> hierarchy. I
>>    think a flat class with a bunch of operations (like the consumer api) is
>>    probably the easiest for people to grok and find things on. I am kind
>> of a
>>    dumb PHP programmer at heart, though.
> I am not sure it's fair to compare the AdminClient with the Consumer. The
> former has APIs for a bunch of unrelated APIs (topics, ACLs, configs,
> consumer groups, delegation tokens, preferred leader election, partition
> reassignment, etc.) where the latter is pretty specialised. For each of the
> resources, you may have 3-4 operations, it will get confusing fast. Also,
> do you really think an API that has one level of grouping will mean that
> users have to "dig through our hierarchy"? Or are you concerned that once
> we go in that direction, there is a danger of making the hierarchy more
> complicated?
> Finally, I am not sure I would use the consumer as an example of something
> that is easy to grok. :) The fact that methods behave pretty differently
> (some are blocking while others only have an effect after poll) with no
> indication from the type signature or naming convention makes it harder,
> not easier, to understand.

I also wouldn't consider the consumer a shining example of usability.

Streams went in the "split stuff" direction. At the upper level, you
can either create a Stream or a Table. Then you have relevant methods
under each. They even have a bit more hierarchy: GroupedStream under
stream where aggregates live. I thought it works rather well once you
figure out the rules.

But I think there is a class of engineers who learn how to use a
client by creating an instance in IntelliJ and then browse through the
list of methods available and see what looks right. Hierarchies throw
us off a bit off. I remember browsing KStream and freaking out because
I can't find "aggregate" method. So we need to make sure this thing
makes sense to new users (we can find a few to test on?).

Since moving stuff around a hierarchy is fairly easy, why not try one
way, leave things as "unstable" for one release and gather feedback?
We usually get usability complaints fairly fast.

> Ismael

Gwen Shapira
Product Manager | Confluent
650.450.2760 | @gwenshap
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