Hi Stefan,

The mailing list suppressed your attachment, so, it's hard to offer any
advice without the error.  I'd suggest trying to post the error in a GitHub
Gist, or some similar format.

I dug up this mailing list archive about starting a Kafka server in-process
that might help:
 The whole thread (Automated Testing w/ Kafka Streams) has a few other
approaches as well that you might be interested in trying.


On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 8:27 AM, Stefan Kölbl <koelb...@gmx.at> wrote:

> Dear Kafka dev team!
> I’m implementing a data stream processor with Apache Kafka for my
> bachelor’s thesis and right now I’m struggling with trying to get the Kafka
> Server started with Java.
> A short summary of what I’m doing currently:
>    1. Start ZooKeeper (manually via terminal).
>    2. Start Kafka Server (manually via terminal).
>    3. Create Kafka Topic (manually via terminal, although it would be
>    auto-created by the producer anyway).
>    4. Run Kafka Producer written with the Kafka Clients API in Java.
>    5. Run Kafka Consumer written with the Kafka Clients API in Java.
> To further automatize the testing process with jUnit, I’d like to be able
> to start ZooKeeper and the Kafka Server with Java too, as I do with the
> producer and the consumer.
> This should be possible, according to some examples I found online, using
> the Scala source of Kafka (not Kafka Clients!):
> http://www.programcreek.com/java-api-examples/index.php?
> api=kafka.server.KafkaServer
> But whenever I try to create a new KafkaServer object, I get an error
> (please see attached error.png).
> Here are my maven dependencies:
> <*dependency*>
>     <*groupId*>org.apache.kafka</*groupId*>
>     <*artifactId*>kafka-clients</*artifactId*>
>     <*version*></*version*>
> </*dependency*>
> <*dependency*>
>     <*groupId*>org.apache.kafka</*groupId*>
>     <*artifactId*>kafka-streams</*artifactId*>
>     <*version*></*version*>
> </*dependency*>
> <*dependency*>
>     <*groupId*>org.apache.kafka</*groupId*>
>     <*artifactId*>kafka_2.11</*artifactId*>
>     <*version*></*version*>
> </*dependency*>
> I Somehow have the feeling I’m missing something crucial and easy-to-fix.
> Neither a lot of google searches nor playing around with the parameters
> (time, threadNamePrefix, kafkaMetricsReporters) provided to the KafkaServer
> constructor could resolve my issue.
> Could you please help me? I’m stuck and don’t know what to do anymore.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Stefan Kölbl

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