Hey Becket,

Yeah that makes sense.

I agree that you'd really have to both fix the estimation (i.e. make it per
topic or make it better estimate the high percentiles) AND have the
recovery mechanism. If you are underestimating often and then paying a high
recovery price that won't fly.

I think you take my main point though, which is just that I hate to exposes
these super low level options to users because it is so hard to explain to
people what it means and how they should set it. So if it is possible to
make either some combination of better estimation and splitting or better
tolerance of overage that would be preferrable.


On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 11:51 AM, Becket Qin <becket....@gmail.com> wrote:

> @Dong,
> Thanks for the comments. The default behavior of the producer won't change.
> If the users want to use the uncompressed message size, they probably will
> also bump up the batch size to somewhere close to the max message size.
> This would be in the document. BTW the default batch size is 16K which is
> pretty small.
> @Jay,
> Yeah, we actually had debated quite a bit internally what is the best
> solution to this.
> I completely agree it is a bug. In practice we usually leave some headroom
> to allow the compressed size to grow a little if the the original messages
> are not compressible, for example, 1000 KB instead of exactly 1 MB. It is
> likely safe enough.
> The major concern for the rejected alternative is performance. It largely
> depends on how frequent we need to split a batch, i.e. how likely the
> estimation can go off. If we only need to the split work occasionally, the
> cost would be amortized so we don't need to worry about it too much.
> However, it looks that for a producer with shared topics, the estimation is
> always off. As an example, consider two topics, one with compression ratio
> 0.6 the other 0.2, assuming exactly same traffic, the average compression
> ratio would be roughly 0.4, which is not right for either of the topics. So
> almost half of the batches (of the topics with 0.6 compression ratio) will
> end up larger than the configured batch size. When it comes to more topics
> such as mirror maker, this becomes more unpredictable. To avoid frequent
> rejection / split of the batches, we need to configured the batch size
> pretty conservatively. This could actually hurt the performance because we
> are shoehorn the messages that are highly compressible to a small batch so
> that the other topics that are not that compressible will not become too
> large with the same batch size. At LinkedIn, our batch size is configured
> to 64 KB because of this. I think we may actually have better batching if
> we just use the uncompressed message size and 800 KB batch size.
> We did not think about loosening the message size restriction, but that
> sounds a viable solution given that the consumer now can fetch oversized
> messages. One concern would be that on the broker side oversized messages
> will bring more memory pressure. With KIP-92, we may mitigate that, but the
> memory allocation for large messages may not be very GC friendly. I need to
> think about this a little more.
> Thanks,
> Jiangjie (Becket) Qin
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 8:57 PM, Jay Kreps <j...@confluent.io> wrote:
> > Hey Becket,
> >
> > I get the problem we want to solve with this, but I don't think this is
> > something that makes sense as a user controlled knob that everyone
> sending
> > data to kafka has to think about. It is basically a bug, right?
> >
> > First, as a technical question is it true that using the uncompressed
> size
> > for batching actually guarantees that you observe the limit? I think that
> > implies that compression always makes the messages smaller, which i think
> > usually true but is not guaranteed, right? e.g. if someone encrypts their
> > data which tends to randomize it and then enables compressesion, it could
> > slightly get bigger?
> >
> > I also wonder if the rejected alternatives you describe couldn't be made
> to
> > work: basically try to be a bit better at estimation and recover when we
> > guess wrong. I don't think the memory usage should be a problem: isn't it
> > the same memory usage the consumer of that topic would need? And can't
> you
> > do the splitting and recompression in a streaming fashion? If we an make
> > the estimation rate low and the recovery cost is just ~2x the normal cost
> > for that batch that should be totally fine, right? (It's technically true
> > you might have to split more than once, but since you halve it each time
> I
> > think should you get a number of halvings that is logarithmic in the miss
> > size, which, with better estimation you'd hope would be super duper
> small).
> >
> > Alternatively maybe we could work on the other side of the problem and
> try
> > to make it so that a small miss on message size isn't a big problem. I
> > think original issue was that max size and fetch size were tightly
> coupled
> > and the way memory in the consumer worked you really wanted fetch size to
> > be as small as possible because you'd use that much memory per fetched
> > partition and the consumer would get stuck if its fetch size wasn't big
> > enough. I think we made some progress on that issue and maybe more could
> be
> > done there so that a small bit of fuzziness around the size would not be
> an
> > issue?
> >
> > -Jay
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 12:30 PM, Becket Qin <becket....@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi folks,
> > >
> > > I would like to start the discussion thread on KIP-126. The KIP propose
> > > adding a new configuration to KafkaProducer to allow batching based on
> > > uncompressed message size.
> > >
> > > Comments are welcome.
> > >
> > > The KIP wiki is following:
> > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
> > > 126+-+Allow+KafkaProducer+to+batch+based+on+uncompressed+size
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Jiangjie (Becket) Qin
> > >
> >

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