the common "stack" we envision at linkedin would consist of (at least) the
following components that add headers to every outgoing request:

1. auditing/"lineage" - appends a header containing "node" (hostname etc),
time (UTC time) and destination (cluster/topic). these accumulate as
requests get mirrored between clusters
2. serialization - sets a header containing a schema identifier to allow
3. client-side encryption - would probably set a header identifying the
key/scheme used
4. internal "billing"

there are also several other teams at linkedin that would use headers
(although its unclear yet if via interceptors or by directly manipulating

if headers are made completely immutable (as the entire request object
currently is) we would end up copying (parts of) every msg 4 times. I
havent benchmarked but this seems like it would have an impact to me.

looking elsewhere rabbitMQ and http components both use mutable request
objects (rabbitMW's BasicProperties object, http components' addHeader

how common is it right now for instances of ProducerRecord to actually be
do people really have things like publis static final ProducerRecord

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