I've defined several Kafka Connect tasks via the tasks.max property to process 
a set of topics.
Initially I set the partitions on the topics to 1 and partitioned the topics 
across the tasks programmatically so that each task processed a subset of the 
topics (or so I thought ...).
I then noticed that only 1 of the tasks ever read any Kafka messages and 
concluded that the topics property defined in connector.properties cannot be 
split across the tasks in this way.

It then dawned on me that perhaps I ought to be partitioning the topic at 
creation time so that each task would be assigned a set of partitions across 
the entire set of topics.

However, that seems not to work either - again only 1 task does any work - and 
this task reads from the same partition for every topic (I have defined 50 
partitions and 4 tasks so would expect (naively perhaps) each task to get a 
dozen or so partitions for each topic).

Could some kind soul point out the error of my ways please and tell me how to 
achieve this properly.

Thanks in advance,

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