Thanks Bill,

A couple of questions:

1. why do we need both restore and restoreAll, why can't we just have one, that 
takes a collection (i.e., restore all)? Are there cases when people want to 
restore one at a time? In that case, they could still use restoreAll with just 
1 record in the collection right?

2. I don't quite get "onBatchRestored". Could you put a small comment on top of 
all three methods. An example might help here.


> On 8 Jun 2017, at 18:05, Bill Bejeck <> wrote:
> Guozhang, Damian thanks for the comments.
> Giving developers the ability to hook into StateStore recovery phases was
> part of my original intent. However the state the KIP is in now won't
> provide this functionality.
> As a result I'll be doing a significant revision of KIP-167.  I'll be sure
> to incorporate all your comments in the new revision.
> Thanks,
> Bill
> On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 5:24 AM, Damian Guy <> wrote:
>> I'm largely in agreement with what Guozhang has suggested, i.e.,
>> StateRestoreContext shouldn't have any setters on it and also need to have
>> the end offset available such that people can use it derive progress.
>> Slightly different, maybe the StateRestoreContext interface could be:
>> long beginOffset()
>> long endOffset()
>> long currentOffset()
>> One further thing, this currently doesn't provide developers the ability to
>> hook into this information if they are using the built-in StateStores. Is
>> this something we should be considering?
>> On Tue, 6 Jun 2017 at 23:32 Guozhang Wang <> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the updated KIP Bill, I have a couple of comments:
>>> 1) I'm assuming beginRestore / endRestore is called only once per store
>>> throughout the whole restoration process, and restoreAll is called per
>>> batch. In that case I feel we can set the StateRestoreContext as a second
>>> parameter in restoreAll and in endRestore as well, and let the library to
>>> set the corresponding values instead and only let users to read (since
>> the
>>> collection of key-value pairs do not contain offset information anyways
>>> users cannot really set the offset). The "lastOffsetRestored" would be
>> the
>>> starting offset when called on `beginRestore`.
>>> 2) Users who wants to implement their own batch restoration callbacks
>> would
>>> now need to implement both `restore` and `restoreAll` while they either
>> let
>>> `restoreAll` to call `restore` or implement the logic in `restoreAll`
>> only
>>> and never call `restore`. Maybe we can provide two abstract impl of
>>> BatchingStateRestoreCallbacks which does beginRestore / endRestore as
>>> no-ops, with one callback implementing `restoreAll` to call abstract
>>> `restore` while the other implement `restore` to throw "not supported
>>> exception" and keep `restoreAll` abstract.
>>> 3) I think we can also return the "offset limit" in StateRestoreContext,
>>> which is important for users to track the restoration progress since
>>> otherwise they could not tell how many percent of restoration has
>>> completed.  I.e.:
>>> public interface BatchingStateRestoreCallback extends
>> StateRestoreCallback
>>> {
>>>   void restoreAll(Collection<KeyValue<byte[], byte []>> records,
>>> StateRestoreContext
>>> restoreContext);
>>>   void beginRestore(StateRestoreContext restoreContext);
>>>   void endRestore(StateRestoreContext restoreContext);
>>> }
>>> public interface StateRestoreContext {
>>>  long lastOffsetRestored();
>>>  long endOffsetToRestore();
>>>  int numberRestored();
>>> }
>>> Guozhang
>>> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Bill Bejeck <> wrote:
>>>> Guozhang, Matthias,
>>>> Thanks for the comments.  I have updated the KIP, (JIRA title and
>>>> description as well).
>>>> I had thought about introducing a separate interface altogether, but
>>>> extending the current one makes more sense.
>>>> As for intermediate callbacks based on time or number of records, I
>> think
>>>> the latest update to the KIP addresses this point of querying for
>>>> intermediate results, but it would be per batch restored.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bill
>>>> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 8:36 AM, Jim Jagielski <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Jun 2, 2017, at 12:54 AM, Matthias J. Sax <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> With regard to backward compatibility, we should not change the
>>> current
>>>>>> interface, but add a new interface that extends the current one.
>>>>> ++1
>>> --
>>> -- Guozhang

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