Fetches for each partition are sent once all the pending data for that
partition has been consumed. The only difference that pause makes is that
we do not bother fetching paused partitions. So in your example, p2 would
be fetched even if p1 is paused and has fetched records > max.poll.records


On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 1:43 PM, Yan Wang <yw...@xmatters.com> wrote:

> How the pause influences max.poll.records? If I have two partitions, say
> p1 and p2. p1 has number local fetched records > max.poll.records. p2 has
> no data in local but in the server (not fetched yet). Now, if I pause P1.
> Does the next poll send fetch request to the server so that I can get data
> for p2 from the server or we get nothing from p2 till we resume p1 and
> drain p1 till total local fetched records < max.poll.records?
> Thanks a lot!

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