Hi Kafka Users and Contributors,

We are having the first ever Kafka Summit that is really close to Europe
even if not quite part of Europe.

Call for papers is now open and you should all submit abstracts and tell
your colleagues to submit abstracts too! Seriously, if you use Kafka,
whether beginner or advanced, I'm sure you have stories to share and we
really want to hear all about it.

Every year some people ask me "I have a pretty small cluster, are you still
interested?". Yes! innovative use-cases are as important than huge scale.
Probably more so. We are looking for diverse agenda - different industries,
experiences, stream processing technologies, programming languages, data
stores, job descriptions, use-cases, sizes, colors, genders, ages, etc,
etc. We want the conference to have a cool talk for everyone.

Here's the important part:

Submit your proposal here

Important dates to note:


   Call for Papers closes: December 1, 2017

   Notifications sent: December 20, 2017

   Presentations due for initial review: March 19, 2018

   Presentations due for final approval: April 9, 2018

I hope to see you in London! Registration will open soon!

Gwen Shapira Kafka PMC and conference enthusiast

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