
bq. have a integer typed OffsetMap (for offset)

Offset is an integer? I've only noticed it being resolved as a long so far.

bq. long typed OffsetMap (for timestamp)

We would still need to store the offset, as it is functioning as a tie-breaker. 
Not that this is a big deal, we can be easily have both (as currently done on 
the PR).

bq. For the byte array typed offset map, we can use a general hashmap, where 
the hashmap's CAPACITY will be reasoned from the given "val memory: Int" 

If you have a map with 128 byte capacity, then store a value with 16 bytes and 
another with 32 bytes, how many free slots do you have left in this map?

You can make this work, but I think you would need to re-design the whole log 
cleaner approach, which implies changing some of the already existing 
configurations (like "log.cleaner.io.buffer.load.factor"). I would rather 
maintain backwards compatibility as much as possible in this KIP, and if this 
means that using "foo" / "bar" or "2.1-a" / "3.20-b" as record versions is not 
viable, then so be it.
Given these arguments, is this point something that you absolutely must have? 
I'm still sort of hoping that you are just entertaining the idea and are ok 
with having a long (now conceded to be unsigned, so the byte arrays can be 
compared directly).

Kind Regards,Luis

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