Hi there,

Are there any opinions on the matter described in my previous email? I
think this is quite important when it comes to implementing any non trivial
functionality that relies on pause/resume. Of course if I am mistaken, feel
free to elaborate.


On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 10:29 AM Zahari Dichev <zaharidic...@gmail.com>

> Hi there Kafka developers,
> I am currently trying to find a solution to an issue that has been
> manifesting itself in the Akka streams implementation of the Kafka
> connector. When it comes to consuming messages, the implementation relies
> heavily on the fact that we can pause and resume partitions. In some
> situations when a single consumer instance is shared among several streams,
> we might end up with frequently pausing and unpausing a set of topic
> partitions, which is the main facility that allows us to implement back
> pressure. This however has certain disadvantages, especially when there are
> two consumers that differ in terms of processing speed.
> To articulate the issue more clearly, imagine that a consumer maintains
> assignments for two topic partitions *TP1* and *TP2*. This consumer is
> shared by two streams - S1 and S2. So effectively when we have demand from
> only one of the streams - *S1*, we will pause one of the topic partitions
> *TP2* and call *poll()* on the consumer to only retrieve the records for
> the demanded topic partition - *TP1*. The result of that is all the
> records that have been prefetched for *TP2* are now thrown away by the
> fetcher ("*Not returning fetched records for assigned partition TP2 since
> it is no longer fetchable"*). If we extrapolate that to multiple streams
> sharing the same consumer, we might quickly end up in a situation where we
> throw prefetched data quite often. This does not seem like the most
> efficient approach and in fact produces quite a lot of overlapping fetch
> requests as illustrated in the following issue:
> https://github.com/akka/alpakka-kafka/issues/549
> I am writing this email to get some initial opinion on a KIP I was
> thinking about. What if we give the clients of the Consumer API a bit more
> control of what to do with this prefetched data. Two options I am wondering
> about:
> 1. Introduce a configuration setting, such as*
> "return-prefetched-data-for-paused-topic-partitions = false"* (have to
> think of a better name), which when set to true will return what is
> prefetched instead of throwing it away on calling *poll()*. Since this is
> amount of data that is bounded by the maximum size of the prefetch, we can
> control what is the most amount of records returned. The client of the
> consumer API can then be responsible for keeping that data around and use
> it when appropriate (i.e. when demand is present)
> 2. Introduce a facility to pass in a buffer into which the prefetched
> records are drained when poll is called and paused partitions have some
> prefetched records.
> Any opinions on the matter are welcome. Thanks a lot !
> Zahari Dichev

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