Adding Kafka Controller Log.
[2018-11-15 11:19:23,985] ERROR [Controller id=4 epoch=8] Controller 4
epoch 8 failed to change state for partition XYXY-24 from OnlinePartition
to OnlinePartition (state.change.logger)

On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 5:12 PM SenthilKumar K <>

> Hello Kafka Experts,
>          We are facing  StateChange Failed Exception on one of the broker.
> Out of 4 brokers, 3 were running fine and only one broker is throwing state
> change error. I dont find any error on Zookeeper Logs related to this error.
> Kafka Version : kafka_2.11-1.1.0
> Any input would help me to debug further on this issue. Thank in advance!
> --Senthil

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