Hello, hope you all are great today!
am using a Kafka Stream application:


*final* StreamsBuilder streamsBuilder = *new* StreamsBuilder();

        *final* KStream<Windowed<MyObject>, MyObject> myObjects =

                .stream(inputTopicNames, Consumed.*with*(
myObjectsWindowSerde, myObjectsAvroSerde)

                .withTimestampExtractor(*new* MyObjectsTimeExtractor()));

myObjects.foreach((windowedMyObjectKey, myObjectValue) -> ...);


As you can see the stream is just reading and then executing a forEach to
send the myObjectValue to an external system.

The problem came when the app starts logging the following:

*INFO  [kafka-coordinator-heartbeat-thread | my-app-name]
clients.FetchSessionHandler (FetchSessionHandler.java:438) - [Consumer
groupId=my-app-name] Error sending fetch request (sessionId=1232856819,
epoch=2) to node 3: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.DisconnectException.*

The log above is shown repeatedly and the App stops reading/processing the
events out of the topic. I have left it in that state for about 30 min to
verify if it recovers by itself but nothing happened.

Is this behavior expected? currently, am solving the situation restarting
the app.

Santilli Jonathan

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