Hi Ryanne,

just to briefly check in, am I understanding your mail correctly, that
you want to pick up the "multi-cluster/herder/worker features" in a
different KIP at some time? If yes, please feel free to let me know if
I can provide any help on that front. Otherwise, I am also happy to
draft a proposal as basis for discussion.

Best regards,

On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 1:11 AM Ryanne Dolan <ryannedo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jun, let's leave the REST API out of the KIP then.
> I have been arguing that Connect wouldn't benefit from the 
> multi-cluster/herder/worker features we need in MM2, and that the effort 
> would result in a needlessly complex Connect REST API. But certainly two 
> separate APIs is inherently more complex than a single API. If we can add 
> these features to Connect itself without breaking things, I'm onboard. I have 
> some ideas on this front, but that's for another KIP :)
> The REST API is non-essential for a MirrorMaker replacement, and I can easily 
> divorce that from the high-level driver. We still want to support running MM 
> without an existing Connect cluster, but we don't really need a REST API to 
> do that. Legacy MirrorMaker doesn't have a REST API after all. For 
> organizations that want on-the-fly configuration of their replication flows, 
> there's Connect.
> This has been brought up by nearly everyone, so I'm happy to oblige.
> Ryanne

Sönke Liebau
Tel. +49 179 7940878
OpenCore GmbH & Co. KG - Thomas-Mann-Straße 8 - 22880 Wedel - Germany

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