Apache Karaf provides higher level features and services
specifically designed for creating OSGi-based servers.

Indicators during the last 3 months:
- Download: around 15,000 distribution downloads
- User mailing list: 666 messages
- Dev mailing list: 542 messages
- Commits: 1110 commits

We organized a Karaf 2nd birthday concall to discussed about the Karaf and Karaf subprojects activity and define the roadmap.

Brian Topping (btopping) has been voted as a new Karaf committer.
Lukasz Dywicki (ldywicki) has been voted as a new Karaf PMC member.

The following new releases have been voted:
* Apache Karaf 2.2.8
* Apache Karaf 2.2.9

Karaf 2.3.0 is on the way, a first release is planned for September.

We also plan to release Karaf 3.0-RC1 during October.

Karaf WebConsole development resumed, the plan is to include WebConsole in Karaf 3.0.

We're also progressing on the other Karaf sub-projects (Cellar and EIK).

The Karaf community continues to help other Apache projects to support Karaf.

As commented in the latest board report, this section will be removed from the next reports.
 * project website basics: ok
 * website nav links: ok
 * trademarks: ok
 * logo: ok
 * metadata: ok

Issues for board consideration
None so far.

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