2017-01-30 12:57 GMT+01:00 Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>:

> Hi Christian,
> adding the Karaf dev mailing list in copy.
> I agree with the proposal.
> Now, SMX Bundles are supposed to contain only OSGi bundle wrapper for non
> OSGi libaries (and jar generally speaking).
> As it's where we provide Spring bundles, it would be logic to have the
> corresponding feature, however, I see two issues:
> 1. It means that SMX Bundles will contain more than just bundle, it will
> also provide features. It would be weird for users to have a feature in
> mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bund
> les.spring/4.3.5.RELEASE_1/xml/features URL for instance.
> 2. It means we will have one feature module for each sub-spring version:
> for instance 4.3.5_1 and 4.3.5_2.

We may be able to work around the problem by using maven range in the
feature definition.

For example:

 <feature name="spring" version="4.3.5">

This should allow to release the feature only once.

> It's not a big deal because it happens rarely, but it happened already.
> If you take a look on Cave README, you will see:
> "Apache Karaf Cave is an Apache Karaf subproject. It provides an OSGi
> Bundle Repository (OBR) and Karaf Features Repository (KFR)."
> The purpose of a Karaf Features Repository (KFR) is to host non core Karaf
> features, not in other project.
> So, instead of org.apache.servicemix.bundles, where the Spring bundles
> will stay, I would propose a org.apache.servicemix.features, acting as a
> repository, wrapping different features. We would have:
> - org.apache.servicemix.features/spring
> - org.apache.Servicemix.features/directory
> - ...
> Each SMX features would have its own release cycle, and can have branches
> for the different versions.
> Regards
> JB
> On 01/30/2017 12:09 PM, Christian Schneider wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> we are currently trying to make Apache Karaf slimmer for the version
>> 4.1.0.
>> In previous karaf versions we had different spring versions in the karaf
>> spring feature repo. This posed two problems:
>> 1. The karaf resolver always has to work on all provided spring versions
>> which increased the chance a wrong one is picked
>> 2. Karaf can not provide all bugfix versions of spring. So each karaf
>> version comes with a different set. So for a user the upgrade means the
>> spring version
>> changes and he can not upgrade the bugfix version while keeping the
>> karaf version.
>> So starting with karaf 4.1.0 we split the spring feature repos into the
>> most current version (currently 4.3.5) which is installed by default and
>> a spring-legacy feature repo with the older versions. This fixes problem
>> 1 but also causes problems for some existing features like the activemq
>> 5.14.3 one that requires spring 3.
>> So a better fix would be to provide one feature repo per spring version
>> and let the 3rd party feature add this to its feature using the
>> repository tag. So only the needed spring version is provided and the
>> maintainer of the 3rd party repo can freely decide which to use.
>> The problem with this is that karaf is not a good place to provide the
>> feature repos as we release all of karaf together in one version.
>> So I think servicemix bundles would be a good place to put these feature
>> repos into. The source repo already provides the spring bundles for each
>> version and I think the feature repo would fit nicely into this structure.
>> If the activemq community likes the idea I will provide pull requests
>> for the spring versions we currently use in karaf.
>> Christian
> --
> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> jbono...@apache.org
> http://blog.nanthrax.net
> Talend - http://www.talend.com

Guillaume Nodet

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