I definitely like the idea. Camel-rx is for RxJava 1.x which is not based
on the reactive streams API (RxJava 2.x, however, is based on that API).

On 19 July 2017 at 06:51, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@apache.org> wrote:

> At first glance, it looks similar related to http://camel.apache.org/rx.
> html
> Also, given what you say about Camel and OSGi Push Streams, I think it
> would make more sense to discuss that inside the Camel project instead.
> 2017-07-19 13:02 GMT+02:00 Christian Schneider <ch...@die-schneider.net>:
> >
> >      Scope
> >
> > I recently experimented with reactive streams and built a small component
> > framework on top of this spec.
> > See https://github.com/cschneider/reactive-components
> >
> > The goal is to have a small API that can encapsulate a protocol and
> > transport. The code using such a reactive component should not directly
> > depend on the specifics of the transport or protocol. Another goal is to
> > have reactive features like back pressure. Ultimately I am searching for
> > something like Apache Camel Components but with a lot less coupling. In
> > camel the big problem is that components depend on camel core which
> > unfortunately is much more than a component API. So any camel component
> is
> > coupled quite tightly to all of camel core.
> >
> >
> >      Proposal
> >
> > I propose to donate my code to Apache and establish this as a Apache
> Karaf
> > sub project. Some people like Jean-Baptiste and Hadrian have already
> > expressed that they support this and I hope for some more feedback and
> help.
> >
> > I chose the Karaf project at the moment but am also open to placing this
> > in another Apache project. Some matching projects would be Apache Camel,
> > Aries or Felix.
> >
> >
> >      Component API
> >
> > I was trying to find the simplest API that would allow similar components
> > to camel in one way mode.
> >
> > public interface RComponent {
> >     <T> Publisher<T> from(String destination, Class<T> type);
> >     <T> Subscriber<T> to(String destination, Class<T> type);
> > }
> >
> > A component is a factory for Publishers and Subscribers. From and to have
> > similar meaning as in camel. The component can be given a source / target
> > type to produce / consume. So with the OSGi Converter spec this would
> allow
> > to have type safe messaging without coding the conversion in every
> > component. Each component is exposed as a service which encapsulates most
> > of the configuration. All endpoint specific configuration can be done
> using
> > the destination String.
> >
> > Publisher and Subscriber are interfaces from the reactive streams api (
> > http://www.reactive-streams.org/). So they are well defined and have
> zero
> > additional dependencies.
> >
> > I also considered to use OSGi push streams which is an OSGi spec and
> would
> > also be an interesting foundation. I decided against that though as push
> > streams have no API that is separate from the DSL and will probably not
> be
> > used a lot outside of OSGi.
> >
> > See the examples for how to use this in practice.
> > https://github.com/cschneider/reactive-components
> >
> >
> >      Possible use cases
> >
> > Two big use cases are reactive microservices that need messaging as well
> > as plain camel like integrations.
> > Another case are the Apache Karaf decanter collectors and appenders.
> > Currently they use a decanter specific API but they could easily be
> > converted into the more general rcomp api.
> > We could also create a bridge to camel components to leverage the many
> > existing camel components using the rcomp API as well as offering rcomp
> > components to camel.
> >
> > Components alone are of course not enough. One big strength of Apache
> > Camel is the DSL. In case of rcomp I propose to not create our own DSL
> and
> > instead use existing DSLs that work well in OSGi. Two examples:
> >
> > Akka and reactive streams
> > https://de.slideshare.net/ktoso/reactive-integrations-with-akka-streams
> >
> > Reactor and reactive streams
> > https://de.slideshare.net/StphaneMaldini/reactor-30-a-reacti
> > ve-foundation-for-java-8-and-spring
> >
> > Another integration is with REST. It is already possible to integrate CXF
> > Rest services with reactive streams using some adapters but we could have
> > native integration.
> >
> >
> >      Risks and Opportunities
> >
> > The main risk I see is not gathering a critical mass of components to
> draw
> > more people.
> > Another risk is that the RComponent API or the reactor streams have some
> > unexpected limitations.
> > The big opportunity I see is that the rcomp API is very simple so the
> > barrier of entry is low.
> > I also hope that this might become a new foundation for a simpler and
> more
> > modern Apache Camel.
> >
> > So this all depends on getting some support by you all.
> >
> > Christian
> >
> >
> > --
> > Christian Schneider
> > http://www.liquid-reality.de
> >
> > Open Source Architect
> > http://www.talend.com
> >
> >
> --
> ------------------------
> Guillaume Nodet

Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com>

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