>>>>> Steinar Bang <s...@dod.no>:

> The difference between the binary tarball and the deb package is built
> from the source tarball and uses some startup jars from debian
> dependencies, rather than maven dependencies:
>  - OSGi 6
>  - jna and jna-platform
>  - jansi

I removed all of the debian packages, ie. using only maven provided
dependencies, and the resulting deb package still has the same
formatting issues in the console.

So the problem has something to do with my build.

The problem is also caused by something that has changed from 4.1.5 to
4.1.6.  Ie. either something that has changed in the tarball or in my
build environment.

I tried building 4.1.5 now from the same server, and the 4.1.5 debian
package from that build did not have the formatting problems on the

So the whatever's causing the console formatting issue seems to be
something that has happened between 4.1.5 and 4.1.6 in the karaf source.

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