Hi Stephen,

I'm also planning to release saaj-impl 1.4.x bundle with a version
range, I guess it will help.


On 31/01/2019 13:30, Siano, Stephan wrote:
> Hi,
> We are building a custom distribution currently based on Karaf 4.2.2 (but 
> including some changes from Karaf 4.2.3) which is running on Java 8. We have 
> observed that once we are sending a SOAP message with attachments via CXF, 
> javamail will stop working.
> The root cause for this was the following.
> With the changes from [KARAF-5989] and [KARAF-6093] the javax.activation and 
> the javax.xml.soap are removed from the Java 8 section from jre.properties.
> As a consequence the bundles 
> org.apache.servicemix.specs:org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1:2.9.0
>  and org.apache.servicemix.specs: 
> org.apache.servicemix.specs.saaj-api-1.3:2.9.0 are installed in the stack. In 
> order to make CXF work the bundle 
> org.apache.servicemix.bundles:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saaj-impl:1.3.28_1
>  is also added to the stack.
> The servicemix wrapped activation api bundle has an OSGi enabled registry for 
> MIME DataTypeHandlers, where javamail registers some data type handlers 
> (among others for text/plain via mailcap file). In addition javamail wires 
> the javax.activation package wth this bundle. So far everything works.
> Unfortunately the constructor of 
> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.AttachmentPartImpl contained in the saaj-impl 
> bundle (in version 1.3.28_1) registers 
> com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.StringDataContentHandler as a data 
> content handler for text/plain. This class is coming from the JDK and 
> implements javax.activation.DataContentHandler from JDK. If after this 
> registration javamail tries to look up a DataContentHandler for text/plain, 
> the registry in the javax.activation api bundle will contain that handler but 
> as the bundles has its own version of javax.activationDataContentHandler, we 
> will get a ClassCastException:
> java.lang.ClassCastException - 
> com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.StringDataContentHandler cannot be 
> cast to javax.activation.DataContentHandler (loaded by 
> org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader@0x0000000100162fd8)
>  (found matching interface javax.activation.DataContentHandler loaded by , 
> but needed loader 
> org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader@0x0000000100162fd8)]java.lang.ClassCastException:
>  com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.StringDataContentHandler cannot be 
> cast to javax.activation.DataContentHandler (loaded by 
> org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader@0x0000000100162fd8)
>  (found matching interface javax.activation.DataContentHandler loaded by , 
> but needed loader 
> org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader@0x0000000100162fd8)
>     at 
> com.sap.esb.activation.impl.OsgiMailcapCommandMap.createDataContentHandler(OsgiMailcapCommandMap.java:179)
>     at 
> javax.activation.DataHandler.getDataContentHandler(DataHandler.java:249)
>     at javax.activation.DataHandler.getContent(DataHandler.java:142)
>     at javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage.getContent(MimeMessage.java:1454)
>     at 
> org.apache.camel.component.mail.MailBinding.extractHeadersFromMail(MailBinding.java:601)
> The culprit seems to be the saaj-impl bundle. So I looked for newer version. 
> There is a version 1.4.0_1 that is actually registering DataContentHandlers 
> like
> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.StringDataContentHandler (without the 
> internal), which is instead coming from the saaj-api bundle (which wires with 
> the javax.activation bundle in the stack), so this should work. Unfortunately 
> the version 1.4.0 imports package version 1.4 or later of package 
> javax.xml.soap, whereas the saaj-api-1.3 bundle is exporting version 1.3 of 
> that package.
> Yesterday Jean Baptiste Onofré added version 1.5.1_1-SNAPSHOT to the 
> servicemix bundles repository, though I don't know why he did so and when he 
> plans to release that version.
> Are you already aware of this or is this change not related to the Karaf 
> 4.2.3 release at all?
> Does anyone know any combination of saaj/saaj-impl OSGi bundles that work 
> with Java 8 on Karaf?
> Best regards
> Stephan

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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