
I guess it's specific for the way you deploy your bundles (using the deploy 
folder). If you do the same via bundle:* commands it should be fine right ?

Let me check if it?s not an issue with fileinstall. I don?t remember any issue 


> Le 3 avr. 2020 à 15:56, Anton <antoxa...@list.ru.INVALID> a écrit :
> Karaf version 4.2.4.
> When I deploy bundles at first time - everything works as expected, but if I
> remove bundles(from deploy directory) and do deploy them again(copy to
> deploy directory), I will get "java.lang.ClassCastException: test.Test
> cannot be cast to test.Test" error at runtime and a blueprint container
> fail. 
> I suggest that error caused by using different classloaders but I can't
> understand how to avoid it? 
> May be I have to use special karaf commands to undeploy/deploy?
> Main question is - how to redeploy bundles without stopping the server?
> Description. 3 bundles:
> 1. *datasource *- used for instantiation DataSource and put in a blueprint
> container. There is no java code - blueprint.xml configuration only
> ```
> ...
> <service interface="javax.sql.DataSource" ref="dataSource" />
> ...
> ```
> 2. *domain* - injects datasource and creates service which use mybatis
> mapper. POJO also described here.
> blueprint.xml: 
> ```
> <reference id="datasource" interface="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
> <bean id="managerimpl" class="test.TestManagerImpl">
>       <argument ref="datasource"/>
> </bean>
> <service id="testmanager" interface="test.TestManager" ref="managerimpl"/>
> ```
> Service class:
> ```
> public class TestManagerImpl implements TestManager {
>    private final Mapper mapper;
>    private final DataSource dataSource;
>    public TestManagerImpl(DataSource dataSource) {
>        this.dataSource = dataSource;
>        this.mapper =
> MybatisSqlSessionGetter.getSqlSessionMapperInstance(dataSource,
> Mapper.class);
>    }
>    @Override
>    public Test getTestById(String id) {
>        return mapper.getById(id);
>    }
>       ...
> }
> ```
> ```
> public class Test {
>       private String id;
>    private String name;
>       ...
> }     
> ```
> 3. *dependent *- injects service from domain bundle and use it for getting
> POJO. 
> blueprint.xml:
> ```
> <reference id="testmanager" interface="test.TestManager"/>
> <bean id="dependentService" class="test.DependentService">
>       <argument ref="testmanager"/>
> </bean>
> ...
> ```
> Service:
> ```
> public class DependentService {
>    private final TestManager manager;
>    public DependentService(TestManager manager) {
>        this.manager = manager;
>        Test testById = manager.getTestById("uuid");        //
> ClassCastException
>    }
> }
> ```
> --
> Sent from: http://karaf.922171.n3.nabble.com/Karaf-Dev-f930721.html

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