I'm trying to make a debian package of karaf 4.3.1[1].

The resulting deb package so far:
 1. Builds without any error messages
 2. Installs without any error messages
 3. Leaves a running process
 4. Leaves very few messages in the logs[6]
 5. Does not start an SSH server (I think...? at least nothing responds
    on port 8101)

According to the git history it's been two years since I last had any
issues upgrading (this was when moving from 4.1.x to 4.2.x).

Since this, all I've had to do is bump the version number and rebuild
the package.

All hints and ideas to what I could look at when debugging
this issue, are, as always, highly appreciated!

What I've done so far[2] is:
 1. Bump the karaf version number
 2. Embed OSGi 7 instead of getting it from a debian dependency, since
    debian stable still has OSGi 6[3] (using a debian package can be
    reintroduced when "bullsey" is released[4].  There is an OSGi 7
    package in buster-backports[5], but that will have to be installed
    explicitly, it won't automatically be installed as a dependency


- Steinar

[1] <https://github.com/steinarb/karaf-debian>
[2] <https://github.com/steinarb/scratch/tree/karaf-debian/use-karaf-43x>
[3] <https://packages.debian.org/buster/libosgi-core-java>
[4] <https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/libosgi-core-java>
[5] <https://packages.debian.org/buster-backports/libosgi-core-java>
[6] <https://gist.github.com/steinarb/36b8478c88427a1ebaa740db1fd58456>

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