Good evening!

I've just pushed last commit before 8.0.0.GA. This commit fixed the
compilation and test problems under JDK17.

Current state is:
 - all the tasks I've planned for 8.0.0.GA are finished
 - all the tests (unit, pax-exam-container-native,
pax-exam-container-karaf) work on JDK 8, JDK 11 and JDK 17

I expected that everything would work few percent slower on JDK 11 than on
JDK 8 (I observed this performance downgrade on several occasions). What I
didn't expect is that generally everything works faster on JDK 17 than on
JDK 8!

Here's the table:

[image: image.png]

I hope to write more about "what is Pax Web 8" soon and that the week of
Sep 13-17 will be the week of the release.

kind regards
Grzegorz Grzybek

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