Hi Esra

Welcome to the Kibble community!

It's great to hear that you are interested in helping out and also doing 
something that will help with your education and learning.

It might be good to share with us the topic that you'd like to cover in your 
thesis so we can maybe see how we can help you.

Please feel free to ask as many questions as you like - we are all here to help!


On 2018/12/20 19:35:26, Esra Karakaş <esrakaraka...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Dear all,
> I am the fourth grade student at university. As a thesis, I would to
> contribute to Kibble. I can allow time at least 10 hours a week for
> that. I examined Kibble. I am familiar with Python programming
> language. I would like to work on it with you if there is anything
> that I can add something or correct any issues. I am waiting for your
> respond to start working on it.
> Thanks!

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