Hi Daniel


Good idea especially with the discussions I've seen on recognition of non coding contributions. Here at least we are trying to find and identify them.


On 14. 05. 19 3:18, Daniel Gruno wrote:
Hi folks,
I had a late night idea (based on a tweet from Shane) that I think will be great, and so I've started working on it a bit: (code) Contributions by contribution type. The basic idea would be to start by looking for commits based on the type of files changed, and sort it into categories such as code development, documentation, graphic design, road-mapping (if I can figure that one out :p), and then visualize how contributions have been made based on which category they fall into. This could later be coupled with tags on issues/prs and so forth, to create some visibility into the various ways of contributing to FLOSS.


With regards,

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