HI Daniel

I have re-registered for the demo and need to be added to an organisation, so 
please can you do that?

Do we have some docs on this process and probably need others to be able to do 
it - so am happy to volunteer. I am guessing once we have the whole ASF repos 
there - our user base could significantly increase.


On 2019/06/10 15:52:05, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org> wrote: 
> Hi folks,
> the dogs and ponies at Quenda have donated a much beefier machine for 
> our tests, with more than a terabyte of super fast NVMe storage and 
> twice the compute capacity, meaning we're going to aim at having the 
> ENTIRE ASF in our demo! This might not work very well at all, but we're 
> going to try!
> 1748 repositories (1528 git, 220 svn) have been input in the machine, 
> and it's not chewing through a million lines of code per minute.
> Later on I'll get mail, jira etc added...
> Anyway, the new box is live at https://kibble.dev/ and you should sign 
> up for a new account, as this is a clean database (trying elasticsearch 
> 7.1 for improvements). Ping me and I'll get you added to the Apache 
> organisation there.
> If people need access to the box, let me know.
> I'll also file a JIRA to have the demo.kibble.apache.org DNS record 
> changed later on, when things are working.
> With regards,
> Daniel.

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