Hi All

I saw that we have a few sources that are failing to process in the Kibble 
demo. I have extracted the list and an going through them. The first error I am 
working on is the 

"Could not sync with source
Exception: No default branch was found in this repository"

I haven't been through the complete list yet but so far I have come across 2 
things. Some of the sources are pointing to empty repositories (so in this case 
the error is valid.. nothing there the sync). For these I will delete the 
sources from the list.

The second case I am coming across are sources that have a different name for 
the default branch (e.g develop or 1994-merge, etc) so am wondering if this is 
something related the renaming of the master branches in Github. For these I am 
not sure what to do - so wondering if we need to do any code or setup change to 
pick these up.


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