Hi All

At Apachecon@Home last year Myrle Krantz did a talk on Vendor Neutrality with 
some suggestions on how it could be measured. At the time we talked about 
seeing if we could somehow see if it could made into a potential new feature 
for Kibble. 

I reached out the Myrle recently and she sent me a copy of her thesis on Vendor 
Neutrality which I will go through. If anyone is interested in taking a look at 
it then please let me know and I'll load it onto our wiki. 

Something that is perhaps similar could be the CHAOSS metrics around 
organisational diversity which Kibble-1 initially tried to capture as the Meta 
Pony factor - but I know it wasn't complete implementation.

I'll read Myrle's paper and see what I can find, and will also take another 
look at the CHAOSS metrics to see where we are.


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