I like this idea.

In addition to dropwizard, I think we need to rule out leveraging what is
used in hadoop common.
I don't know how generic it is but do know that there is a JMXServlet that
can be used to expose the metrics
in a REST-like way.

Leveraging hadoop common where possible is something that I like to
consider more frequently and I think that
we should have probably done that more from the start.

I would definitely say to create the JIRA and continue the proposal there
with high level design in attachments or wiki.

On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 10:28 AM, sumit gupta <su...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I wanted to start a discussion about adding the capability of
> capturing metrics in Knox. The initial step could be something simple
> like request processing metrics and exposing the numbers via JMX
> and/or REST APIs. There is a bigger discussion around metering and
> throttling that this could play into but maybe wise to avoid initially
> (maybe...).
> One of the projects that I came across while looking into this is
> https://dropwizard.github.io/metrics/3.1.0/. It seems to be popular
> amongst other open source projects and has a lot of useful
> functionality and seems quite stable (also has Apache 2.0 license).
> Another project that comes up in this space is http://prometheus.io/,
> but I am strongly leaning towards dropwizard based on some initial
> playing around that I’m doing.
> Anyhow, implementation aside, it would be good to discuss and agree
> upon requirements. Things like:
> 1. What metrics are we interested in?
> 2. Who are the potential consumers of this data? Dashboards?
> 3. How do we want to expose the metrics?
> 4. Do we want to capture metrics at a service level (e.g. All requests
> made for WebHDFS)?
> 5. Configuration (how do we want to turn this functionality on or off
> or something more granular)
> Of course the basic question is whether we would like to consider this
> functionality at all. If we do, I’d be happy to file a JIRA and work
> on it.
> Thoughts?
> Sumit

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