Thanks for starting the discussion Larry.

I can take care of the Logout of KnoxSSO KIP, been thinking about it a lot
lately, I will start a KIP and kickoff a discussion.

The cloud KIP sounds great, we can finally iron out the Azure AD
integration with this one.

I haven't looked at the Jiras but March or Mid April release should be good.


On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 12:57 PM, larry mccay <> wrote:

> All -
> Sorry for the delay on this topic.
> We are going to start of this planning thread with ~85 Unresolved JIRAs in
> either 1.1.0 or 0.15.0 fixVersion.
> project = KNOX AND resolution = Unresolved AND fixVersion in (1.1.0,
> 0.15.0) ORDER BY  priority DESC, updated DESC
> I will spend some time migrating all 0.15.0 to 1.1.0 to begin with and then
> we will need to go through and see what is already taken care of or can
> wait for a 1.2.0 or later.
> I also have a couple KIPs in mind to target larger features/themes for this
> release.
> Off the top of my head:
> * I think we need to address some cloud specific usecases and plan to
> provide a KIP for that. Hybrid cloud/federated knox instances, Azure AD
> integration, ID mapping from Hadoop user to IAM users/roles, etc. Perhaps
> some CASB-like features if they make sense.
> * I also think we need one for articulating a reasonable flow for Logout in
> KnoxSSO. There are a lot of little nuances to logout across multiple apps
> and between different IDPs. This will require some discussion.
> * Another thing that has been tugging at my interest has been the fact that
> we may be able provide some common libraries to help ecosystem applications
> uptake the trusted proxy pattern and KnoxSSO.
> Anyway, these are my initial thoughts, please feel free to raise additional
> ideas/themes for KIPs, etc.
> I was thinking that we could try and target an end of March or Mid April
> 1.1.0 release.
> Thoughts?
> --larry

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