On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 12:40 PM, Dan Burkert <d...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> I think it must go in the 'token_contents' itself, otherwise it can be
> modified by a malicious client.  Other than that, looks good.
well, if it went into a separate field, then we'd have something like:

optional bytes token_contents = 1;
optional int64 expiration_timestamp = 2;

// Signature of the string: '<32-bit big-endian length of token_contents>
token_contents <64-bit big-endian expiration>'
optional bytes signature = 3;

so they could try to modify it, but the signature would fail.

> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 12:37 PM, Todd Lipcon <t...@cloudera.com> wrote:
>> Hey folks
>> I'm working on the token signing/verification stuff at the moment.
>> Curious to solicit some opinions on this:
>> message TokenPB {
>>   // The actual token contents. This is typically a serialized
>>   // protobuf of its own. However, we use a 'bytes' field, since
>>   // protobuf doesn't guarantee that if two implementations serialize
>>   // a protobuf, they'll necessary get bytewise identical results,
>>   // particularly in the presence of unknown fields.
>>   optional bytes token_contents = 1;
>>   // The cryptographic signature of 'token_contents'.
>>   optional bytes signature = 2;
>>   // The sequence number of the key which produced 'signature'.
>>   optional int64_t signing_key_seq_num = 3;
>> };
>> The thing that's currently missing is an expiration timestamp of the
>> signature. I have two options here:
>> *Option A*) say that the TokenPB itself doesn't capture expiration, and
>> if a particular type of token needs expiration, it would have to put an
>> 'expiration time' in its token contents itself.
>> *pros:*
>> - token signing/verification is just a simple operation on the
>> 'token_contents' string
>> *Cons:*
>> - would likely end up with redundant code between AuthN and AuthZ tokens,
>> both of which need expiration. However, that code isn't very complicated
>> (just a timestamp comparison) so maybe not a big deal?
>> *Option B)* add an expiration timestamp field to TokenPB
>> *pros:*
>> - consolidate the expiration checking code into TokenVerifier
>> *cons:*
>> - now in order to sign/verify a token, we actually need to be signing
>> something like a concatenation of 'token_contents + signature'. Not too
>> hard to construct this concatenation, but it does add some complexity.
>> Any strong opinions either way?
>> -Todd
>> --
>> Todd Lipcon
>> Software Engineer, Cloudera

Todd Lipcon
Software Engineer, Cloudera

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