
Thanks for volunteering to RM, Andrew.

On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 9:35 PM Andrew Wong <aw...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hello Kudu developers!
> It's been just around three months since we released 1.8.0. In that time,
> we've accrued some important improvements and bug fixes (around 201 commits
> since Kudu 1.8.0!). By our usual three-month release cadence, now seems
> like as good a time as any to start thinking about a Kudu 1.9.0 release,
> and I'm volunteering to RM it.
> I'm proposing we cut the branch for 1.9.x on Friday, *Feb. 1*, which gives
> us just a bit over a week to prepare, and then we'll start a vote a couple
> of days after that.
> If this sound good to you all, please start thinking about and writing up
> release notes for notable changes that have landed in this release, and get
> them checked in before Feb. 1.
> Here's a command you can run to check out roughly what you've been up to
> since Kudu 1.8.0's release:
> $ git log 5d8f4797786c8afbdc6e93dd71eb8d73657e7591..master --oneline
> --graph --no-merges --first-parent --author=<your email address>
> Please let me know if you agree with this plan, have comments, questions,
> concerns, etc.
> Thanks!

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