Hello Kudu Developers,

As a community we are always striving for the highest code quality while
also streamlining the patch
submission and review process. I am writing to let you know that I have a patch
in review <https://gerrit.cloudera.org/#/c/15409/> to enable
Java static analysis to run as a part of the Jenkins pre-commit LINT job
Currently this includes
Checkstyle <https://checkstyle.sourceforge.io/>, Spotbugs
<https://spotbugs.github.io/>, and ErrorProne <https://errorprone.info/>

Once that patch is submitted, if you start seeing failures in your patch
submissions you can view the
artifacts or log of the LINT job to identify the code style issue.
Alternatively you can run Gradle
locally to see and fix the style issues.

Ultimately if `.*/gradlew build`* passes locally the Java build should pass

The following commands may be also helpful:

*# Run all checks including tests./gradlew check # Run just the
tests./gradlew test# Run all all checks except tests (-x tells Gradle to
skip a task)./gradlew check -x test# Just run Checkstyle checks./gradle
checkstyle# Just run Spotbugs checks./gradle spotbugs# Just assemble the
project with no checks or tests../gradlew assemble# Print out a list of
available tasks such as assemble, check, test, etc./gradlew tasks*

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Grant Henke
Software Engineer | Cloudera
gr...@cloudera.com | twitter.com/gchenke | linkedin.com/in/granthenke

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