I just merged some changes that modify include-what-you-use (IWYU) to
run against the libc++ in thirdparty rather than against the system's
libstdc++. Coupled with some other changes, I expect that running IWYU
on any Linux system should yield the exact same set of recommendations
as when IWYU is run during a precommit build. Ideally, we'll achieve
this determinism on macOS too, but for now I don't expect that to be
the case.

As a reminder, you can run IWYU locally via "make iwyu" (or "ninja
iwyu"), and you can have it automatically perform fixes via "make
iwyu-fix" (or "ninja iwyu-fix"). If you do see any deviation between
local and precommit IWYU behavior, please reply to this thread, or let
me know directly.

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