Hi Yanwei,

1: Kylin doesn't directly support snowflake schema; If you want to build
cube for such a model, you can firstly create a flat Hive View over those
tables, and then use the view as the fact table in Kylin;

2. "join" here means "inner join" I think; "inner join" will filter the
records that doesn't match with the PK in lookup table, I belive you know
its difference with "left join".

2016-06-20 17:53 GMT+08:00 李寅威 <251469...@qq.com>:

> Hi all:
>   I have two questions as follows:
>   1.Can kylin support snowflake schema in data warehouse?
>   2.If Kylin can only support star schema, under what circumstances shall
> we use join instead of left join?
>   look forward to your help, thx~
> ------------------
> 李寅威 | CVTE
> cor...@foxmail.com
> 广州视源电子科技股份有限公司
> Guangzhou Shiyuan Electronics Co., Ltd.

Best regards,

Shaofeng Shi

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