The new "Extended column" measure will match your case; It is a "Derived"
column but on fact table; You can see more with KYLIN-1313.

2016-06-23 17:25 GMT+08:00 Hao Chen <>:

> Hi, all.
> given a dimension table:
> dim_table{
> id_column int,
> name_column string
> }
> and a fact table:
> fact_table{
> id_column int,
> measure int
> }
> usually we select with this sql:
> select
> dim.id_column,
> max(dim.name_column),
> sum(fact.measure)
> from fact_table as fact
> join dim_table as dim
> on fact.id_column = dim.id_column
> group by dim.id_column
> we just want to get the name column.
> one way is to add the name_column as a derived dimension. But it costs
> memory and slow down query.
> another way is make name_column as a measure with max as aggregation
> function. But kylin do not support Max on string type column.
> Is there any better way to solve this problem?
> thanks!
> --
> 陈昊/Jerry Chen
> Tel:     (+86)15013773175
> Email:  jerrychen <>
> P.C.   518055
> Add:   中国广东省深圳市西丽大学城清华园H楼205
> Room 205, Building H, Tsinghua Campus, The University Town, Shenzhen,
> P.R.China
> 清华大学计算机科学与技术系
> Department of  Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University

Best regards,

Shaofeng Shi

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