   kylin: 1.6 

   hadoop:HUAWEI FusionInsigh C60U10. 

Install kylin1.6 on client node(NOT the oms node) .Then click "load hive 
table" button. It return error message 
"Oops...java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver " 

I serached the keywords "kylin ClassNotFoundException" on baidu.com ,but 
got nothins useful. 

install steps: 
1. unzip the binary version of kylin1.6  on client 
   source /opt/hadoopclient/bigdata_env 
   kinit admin 
3. copy properties from hivemetastore-site.xml to hive-site.xml 

4. copy properties from hive-site.xml to 

5. add the key in kylin_hive_conf.xml  to 
hive.security.authorization.sqlstd.confwhitelist on FusionInsight WEB 

6.   add  the belows to .bash_profile 
         export KYLIN_HOME=xxxxx 
              export HIVE_CONF=/xxxxx/Hive/config 
         export HCAT_HOME=/xxx/Hive/HCatalog 

7.  source .bash_profile 

8.  vi  kylin.properties 
    set    kylin.hive.client=beeline 
    set    kylin.hive.beeline.params="xxxxxxx"  (copy connection info from 
CLI beeline ) 

9.  kylin.sh start (find: 
:No such file or directory) 

10. Click  "Model"  on page. Click "load hive table"  . Then retun error 

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