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(Updated εδΈ€ζœˆ 25, 2017, 3:23 p.m.)

Review request for kylin, Dayue Gao, Dong Li, hongbin ma, and Wang Xiaoyu.


The parameter ID and Port are both not allowed for non-integer types, so we 
should solve them at the web page.

Bugs: KYLIN-3058

Repository: kylin


When you create or edit one streaming table, then set a non-integer type ID for 
"Kafka Setting" in "Streaming Cluster" page, at last save it, you will find an 
error message page will pop up.
1. Create a streaming table, then set a non-integer type ID to save, such as 
"23a", you will get the error message page;
2. Edit a streaming table, then modify a non-integer type ID to save, such as 
"23a", you will also get another error message page;
In order to find out the cause of the problem, I analyze the Kylin server log, 
then I find the error, as follow:

Kylin server log
2017-11-24 18:46:07,413 ERROR [http-bio-7070-exec-14] 
controller.StreamingController:280 : The data KafkaConfig definition is invalid.
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException: Can not construct 
instance of int from String value '23a': not a valid Integer value
at [Source: 
Unknown macro: {"id"}
Then I find the server code, it also show the ID must be integer, as follow:

public class BrokerConfig implements Serializable{

    private int id;
It means the parameter ID isn't allowed for non-integer types, so we should 
solve it at the web page.

Diffs (updated)

  webapp/app/partials/cubeDesigner/streamingConfig.html 5dc9788 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/64060/diff/2/

Changes: https://reviews.apache.org/r/64060/diff/1-2/




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