So no one can help me about this trouble?

2018-03-28 19:12 GMT+08:00 凡梦星尘 <>:

> Hi guys:
> Is there someone use newest Kylin and try open dashboard? I had try this
> new feature, by the default the system cube use MR mode, build and refresh
> action no any problems. But when I change to spark mode not success. The
> error logs see below:
> OS command error exit with return code: 1, error message: log4j:WARN No
> appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell).
> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
> log4j:WARN See for
> more info.
> Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/log4j-
> 18/03/28 18:03:30 INFO Client: Requesting a new application from cluster
> with 3 NodeManagers
> 18/03/28 18:03:30 INFO Client: Verifying our application has not requested
> more than the maximum memory capability of the cluster (8192 MB per
> container)
> 18/03/28 18:03:30 INFO Client: Will allocate AM container, with 1408 MB
> memory including 384 MB overhead
> 18/03/28 18:03:30 INFO Client: Setting up container launch context for our
> AM
> 18/03/28 18:03:30 INFO Client: Setting up the launch environment for our
> AM container
> 18/03/28 18:03:30 INFO Client: Preparing resources for our AM container
> 18/03/28 18:03:32 WARN Client: Neither spark.yarn.jars nor
> spark.yarn.archive is set, falling back to uploading libraries under
> 18/03/28 18:03:34 INFO Client: Uploading resource
> file:/tmp/spark-e9a0636e-6d6e-476a-ad62-dfcb1e4d6102/
> -> hdfs://xxx:8020/user/hdfs/.sparkStaging/application_
> 1522141683864_0091/
> 18/03/28 18:03:38 INFO Client: Uploading resource
> file:/opt/apache-kylin-2.3.0/lib/kylin-job-2.3.0.jar ->
> hdfs://xxx:8020/user/hdfs/.sparkStaging/application_
> 1522141683864_0091/kylin-job-2.3.0.jar
> 18/03/28 18:03:39 INFO Client: Uploading resource
> file:/data/hdp/ ->
> hdfs://xxx:8020/user/hdfs/.sparkStaging/application_
> 1522141683864_0091/htrace-core-3.1.0-incubating.jar
> 18/03/28 18:03:39 INFO Client: Uploading resource
> file:/data/hdp/ ->
> hdfs://xxx:8020/user/hdfs/.sparkStaging/application_
> 1522141683864_0091/metrics-core-2.2.0.jar
> 18/03/28 18:03:39 INFO Client: Uploading resource
> file:/data/hdp/ ->
> hdfs://xxx:8020/user/hdfs/.sparkStaging/application_
> 1522141683864_0091/guava-12.0.1.jar
> 18/03/28 18:03:40 INFO Client: Uploading resource
> file:/tmp/spark-e9a0636e-6d6e-476a-ad62-dfcb1e4d6102/
> -> hdfs://xxx:8020/user/hdfs/.sparkStaging/application_
> 1522141683864_0091/
> 18/03/28 18:03:40 WARN Client: will not
> take effect in cluster mode
> 18/03/28 18:03:40 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls to: hdfs
> 18/03/28 18:03:40 INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls to: hdfs
> 18/03/28 18:03:40 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls groups to:
> 18/03/28 18:03:40 INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls groups to:
> 18/03/28 18:03:40 INFO SecurityManager: SecurityManager: authentication
> disabled; ui acls disabled; users  with view permissions: Set(hdfs); groups
> with view permissions: Set(); users  with modify permissions: Set(hdfs);
> groups with modify permissions: Set()
> 18/03/28 18:03:40 INFO Client: Submitting application
> application_1522141683864_0091 to ResourceManager
> 18/03/28 18:03:40 INFO YarnClientImpl: Submitted application
> application_1522141683864_0091
> 18/03/28 18:03:41 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:41 INFO Client:
> client token: N/A
> diagnostics: AM container is launched, waiting for AM container to
> Register with RM
> ApplicationMaster host: N/A
> ApplicationMaster RPC port: -1
> queue: default
> start time: 1522231420490
> final status: UNDEFINED
> tracking URL: http://xxx:8088/proxy/application_1522141683864_0091/
> user: hdfs
> 18/03/28 18:03:42 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:43 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:44 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:45 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:46 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:47 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:48 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:49 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:50 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:51 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:52 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:03:53 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:03:53 INFO Client:
> client token: N/A
> diagnostics: N/A
> ApplicationMaster host: xxx
> ApplicationMaster RPC port: 0
> queue: default
> start time: 1522231420490
> final status: UNDEFINED
> tracking URL: http://xxx:8088/proxy/application_1522141683864_0091/
> user: hdfs
> 18/03/28 18:03:54 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:03:55 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:03:56 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:03:57 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:03:58 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:03:59 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:00 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:01 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:02 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:03 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:04 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:05 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:06 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:07 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:08 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:09 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:10 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:11 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:12 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:13 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:14 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:15 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:16 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:16 INFO Client:
> client token: N/A
> diagnostics: AM container is launched, waiting for AM container to
> Register with RM
> ApplicationMaster host: N/A
> ApplicationMaster RPC port: -1
> queue: default
> start time: 1522231420490
> final status: UNDEFINED
> tracking URL: http://xxx:8088/proxy/application_1522141683864_0091/
> user: hdfs
> 18/03/28 18:04:17 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:18 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:19 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:20 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:21 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:22 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:23 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:25 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:26 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:27 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: ACCEPTED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:28 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:28 INFO Client:
> client token: N/A
> diagnostics: N/A
> ApplicationMaster host: xxx
> ApplicationMaster RPC port: 0
> queue: default
> start time: 1522231420490
> final status: UNDEFINED
> tracking URL: http://xxx:8088/proxy/application_1522141683864_0091/
> user: hdfs
> 18/03/28 18:04:29 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:30 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:31 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:32 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:33 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:34 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:35 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:36 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:37 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:38 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:39 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:40 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:41 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:42 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:43 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:44 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:45 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:46 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:47 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: RUNNING)
> 18/03/28 18:04:48 INFO Client: Application report for
> application_1522141683864_0091 (state: FINISHED)
> 18/03/28 18:04:48 INFO Client:
> client token: N/A
> diagnostics: User class threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: error
> execute org.apache.kylin.engine.spark.SparkCubingByLayer
> ApplicationMaster host: xxx
> ApplicationMaster RPC port: 0
> queue: default
> start time: 1522231420490
> final status: FAILED
> tracking URL: http://xxx:8088/proxy/application_1522141683864_0091/
> user: hdfs
> Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.SparkException: Application
> application_1522141683864_0091 finished with failed status
> at
> at org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client\$.main(Client.scala:1226)
> at org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client.main(Client.scala)
> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
> at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
> at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit\$.org\$apache\$
> spark\$deploy\$SparkSubmit\$\$runMain(SparkSubmit.scala:744)
> at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit\$.doRunMain\$1(
> SparkSubmit.scala:187)
> at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit\$.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:212)
> at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit\$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:126)
> at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala)
> 18/03/28 18:04:48 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Shutdown hook called
> 18/03/28 18:04:48 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Deleting directory
> /tmp/spark-e9a0636e-6d6e-476a-ad62-dfcb1e4d6102
> The command is:
> export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/opt/apache-kylin-2.3.0/hadoop-conf &&
> /opt/apache-kylin-2.3.0/spark/bin/spark-submit --class
> org.apache.kylin.common.util.SparkEntry  --conf
> spark.executor.instances=1  --conf spark.yarn.queue=default  --conf
>  --conf
> spark.history.fs.logDirectory=hdfs:///kylin/spark-history  --conf
> spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dhdp.version=current  --conf
> --conf spark.master=yarn  --conf 
> spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-Dhdp.version=current
> --conf spark.hadoop.yarn.timeline-service.enabled=true  --conf
> spark.executor.memory=1G  --conf spark.eventLog.enabled=true  --conf
> spark.eventLog.dir=hdfs:///kylin/spark-history  --conf
> spark.executor.cores=2  --conf spark.submit.deployMode=cluster --jars
> /data/hdp/
> incubating.jar,/data/hdp/
> 2.2.0.jar,/data/hdp/,
> /opt/apache-kylin-2.3.0/lib/kylin-job-2.3.0.jar -className
> org.apache.kylin.engine.spark.SparkCubingByLayer -hiveTable
> kylin_tmp.kylin_intermediate_kylin_hive_metrics_job_qa_
> 912467dc_7a1c_42ce_8ff5_60c2a5b11441 -output hdfs://xxx:8020/kylin/kylin_
> metadata/kylin-f943d829-3436-4816-bfa6-da2234401862/KYLIN_HIVE_METRICS_JOB_QA/cuboid/
> -segmentId 912467dc-7a1c-42ce-8ff5-60c2a5b11441 -metaUrl
> kylin_metadata@hdfs,path=hdfs://xxx:8020/kylin/kylin_
> metadata/metadata/912467dc-7a1c-42ce-8ff5-60c2a5b11441 -cubename
> I not sure whether is my HDP environment problem, but I can sure the
> sample cube running spark mode well. And there had someone bring
> forward same issues but not earn resolve. So please tell me how to do?
> PS:
> I can't find more detail info about this exception. Only cat from
> kylin.log file. If you need more things, tell what steps.
> Thanks.

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