You can check previous discussion:

Zhong, Yanghong <> 于2018年9月12日周三 下午6:05写道:

> Hi Vishnu,
> Suppose there are 20 dimensions, d1,d2...n20 and you have prebuild cuboid
> [d1,d2]. The cuboid [d1, d2, ..., d20] owns 1 billion rows, while [d1,d2]
> owns 1k rows. Obviously if your query hits cuboid [d1, d2], it's better to
> use [d1,d2] to answer your query in Kylin rather than [d1, d2, ..., d20] in
> Druid to answer your query.
> Another strong point of using Kylin is it's better for range filtering as
> it utilizes sorted key value store, HBase.
> Druid has obvious advantage at its scan performance if the query related
> columns are not too many by the following two aspects:
> - it utilizes columnar storage for effective storing
> - before query, the data should be all loaded into memory
> Best regards,
> Yanghong Zhong
> On 9/12/18, 5:44 PM, "vishnu" <> wrote:
>     In what context apache kylin is better than apache druid? or
> vice-versa.
>     --
>     Sent from:

Best regards,

Shaofeng Shi 史少锋

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