+1 binding

Mvn test passed

Dong Li

-----Original Message-----
From: Billy Liu <billy...@apache.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 10:19 PM
To: dev <dev@kylin.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release apache-kylin-3.0.0-alpha (RC1)

+1 binding

mvn test passed

my env:
Apache Maven 3.5.4 (1edded0938998edf8bf061f1ceb3cfdeccf443fe;
Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.5.4 Java version: 1.8.0_91, vendor: 
Oracle Corporation, runtime:
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "mac os x", version: 
"10.14.4", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

[INFO] Apache Kylin 3.0.0-alpha ........................... SUCCESS [  2.760 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Core Common ......................... SUCCESS [ 14.214 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Core Metadata ....................... SUCCESS [01:00 min] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Core Dictionary ..................... SUCCESS [03:16 min] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Core Cube ........................... SUCCESS [01:03 min] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Core Metrics ........................ SUCCESS [  1.358 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Core Job ............................ SUCCESS [03:54 min] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Core Storage ........................ SUCCESS [  8.017 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Stream Core ......................... SUCCESS [09:37 min] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - MapReduce Engine .................... SUCCESS [ 18.366 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Spark Engine ........................ SUCCESS [ 19.162 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Hive Source ......................... SUCCESS [  6.396 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - DataSource SDK ...................... SUCCESS [  8.525 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Jdbc Source ......................... SUCCESS [ 14.874 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Kafka Source ........................ SUCCESS [  5.571 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Cache ............................... SUCCESS [  6.779 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - HBase Storage ....................... SUCCESS [ 31.590 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Query ............................... SUCCESS [ 10.393 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Metrics Reporter Hive ............... SUCCESS [  1.517 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Metrics Reporter Kafka .............. SUCCESS [  0.960 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Stream Source Kafka ................. SUCCESS [  3.952 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Stream Coordinator .................. SUCCESS [02:25 min] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Stream Receiver ..................... SUCCESS [  5.616 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Stream Storage ...................... SUCCESS [  4.183 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - REST Server Base .................... SUCCESS [ 18.138 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - REST Server ......................... SUCCESS [01:56 min] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - JDBC Driver ......................... SUCCESS [  5.251 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Assembly ............................ SUCCESS [  5.725 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Tool ................................ SUCCESS [ 10.913 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Tool Assembly ....................... SUCCESS [  0.715 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Integration Test .................... SUCCESS [ 14.533 s] 
[INFO] Apache Kylin - Tomcat Extension 3.0.0-alpha ........ SUCCESS [  0.927 s] 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 26:56 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-04-10T22:08:24+08:00

With Warm regards

Billy Liu

ShaoFeng Shi <shaofeng...@apache.org> 于2019年4月7日周日 下午9:47写道:
> Hi all,
> I have created a build for Apache Kylin 3.0.0-alpha, release candidate 1.
> Changes highlights:
> [KYLIN-3654] - Kylin Real-time Streaming [KYLIN-3795] - Submit Spark 
> jobs via Apache Livy [KYLIN-3716] - FastThreadLocal replaces 
> ThreadLocal [KYLIN-3867] - Enable JDBC to use key store & trust store 
> for https connection [KYLIN-3905] - Enable shrunken dictionary default 
> [KYLIN-3820] - Add a curator-based job scheduler [KYLIN-3839] - 
> Storage clean up after the refreshing and deleting a segment
> Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release.
> Here’s the release notes:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12316
> 121&version=12345219
> The commit to being voted upon:
> https://github.com/apache/kylin/commit/8872e28de06b05b11a423f32ff62a5d
> 00ed84813
> Its hash is 8872e28de06b05b11a423f32ff62a5d00ed84813.
> The artifacts to be voted on, including the source package and two 
> pre-compiled binary packages, are located here:
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/kylin/apache-kylin-3.0.0-alpha-
> rc1/
> The hash of the artifacts are as follows:
> apache-kylin-3.0.0-alpha-source-release.zip.sha256
> 0cdaa465dd2f80335807a89d39f4599b2ce638a267a03742827c5336e81e86fa
> apache-kylin-3.0.0-alpha-bin-hbase1x.tar.gz.sha256
> 7edd41c522b641aad02f386ea5ea639fb574ae9e0934ea01be0ef6cb2c090ea9
> apache-kylin-3.0.0-alpha-bin-cdh57.tar.gz.sha256
> 7f351edfaad6a5541390581d4ead12fefc4bb9ca837e97f54121a94a2bfeecac
> A staged Maven repository is available for review at:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachekylin-1061
> /
> Release artifacts are signed with the following key:
> https://people.apache.org/keys/committer/shaofengshi.asc
> Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Kylin 3.0.0-alpha.
> The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of at 
> least three +1 PMC votes are cast.
> [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Kylin 3.0.0-alpha [ ]  0 I don't 
> feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with the release [ ] -1 Do not 
> release this package because...
> Here is my vote:
> +1 (binding)
> Best regards,
> Shaofeng Shi 史少锋
> Apache Kylin PMC
> Email: shaofeng...@apache.org
> Apache Kylin FAQ: 
> https://kylin.apache.org/docs/gettingstarted/faq.html
> Join Kylin user mail group: user-subscr...@kylin.apache.org Join Kylin 
> dev mail group: dev-subscr...@kylin.apache.org

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