
> 在 2020年4月16日,15:01,George Ni <n...@apache.org> 写道:
> Kylin users & developers,
> There will be an online Kylin event this Saturday (April 18). Kylin on
> HBase has been mature for a long time, but there are still some
> limitations. Engineers from Kyligence will share their new storage
> solution, Kylin On Parquet.
> Date: April 18
> Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM  (UTC+08:00)
> Language: Chinese (PPT will be in English)
> Activity form: live video streaming
> Fee: Free!
> Link for Registration:
> https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzAwODE3ODU5MA==&mid=2653079753&idx=1&sn=27986486a96aaa90af12b9469a63c2d6&chksm=80a4b638b7d33f2e40ea676f2aeda188712a06bb4ef7d3b9ec07a5f706c7429d307afedbd160&token=2112674860&lang=zh_CN#rd
> ---------------------
> Best regards,
> Ni Chunen / George

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