Hi all,

I have created a build for Apache Kylin 4.0.0-alpha, release candidate
1. Please note, this release is built on kylin-on-parquet-v2 branch.

Changes highlights:
[KYLIN-4213] - The new build engine with Spark-SQL
[KYLIN-4450] - Add the feature that adjusting spark driver memory adaptively
[KYLIN-4458] - FilePruner prune shards
[KYLIN-4475] - Support intersect count for Kylin on Parquet
[KYLIN-4462] - Support Count Distinct,TopN and Percentile by kylin on Parquet
[KYLIN-4713] - Support use diff spark schedule pool for diff query
[KYLIN-4468] - Support Percentile by kylin on Parquet
[KYLIN-4662] - Migrate from third-party Spark to offical Apache Spark
[KYLIN-4701] - Upgrade front-end from HBase Storage to Parquet Storage
[KYLIN-4644] - New tool to clean up  intermediate files for Kylin 4.0
[KYLIN-4744] - Add tracking URL for build spark job on yarn

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release.

Here are the release

The commit to being voted

Its hash is a285f9a5b84affc36c5466ce5a1b2fcdb4348b37.

The artifacts to be voted on, including the source package and two
pre-compiled binary packages are located

The hash of the artifacts are as follows:

A staged Maven repository is available for review

Release artifacts are signed with the following

Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Kylin 4.0.0-alpha.

The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of at
least three +1 binding votes are cast.

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Kylin 4.0.0-alpha
[ ]  0 I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with the release
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because...

Here is my vote:

+1 (binding)


Best regards,
Ni Chunen / George

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