Hi  Тимофей Лукин,

You are welcome to come up with any tips for Kylin. And I noted that you used 
Mondrian, so I recommend you can try the https://github.com/Kyligence/mdx-kylin 
which manual is at https://kyligence.github.io/mdx-kylin/. And the parent-child 
hierarchy was already supported by "mdx for kylin".


Best regards.
Tengting Xu

At 2022-07-09 01:13:27, "Тимофей Лукин" <t.lu...@inbox.ru.INVALID> wrote:
>Good day!
>Currently I was working with MDX-Kylin working with Mondrian. I used Mondrian 
>earlier, and I could use there parent-child hierarchies, which is greate use. 
>So I come up with idea to make Kylin support parent-child hierarchy. Please 
>can I have any tips for easy start? 
>Best wishes,

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