1) The criteria for filtering (e.g. selecting sex='male') and grouping (e.g. 
group by state) should be dimensions - is this correct?
Yes, besides Kylin has limit of 63 dimensions at maximum.  But you should be 
aware of 'The Curse of Dimensionality'. 

2.1) Items that I would like to sum should be measures, is that right?

2.2) Is there a limit to the number of measures?
No, there isn't such limit.

3) Did Kylin support sum(expression)?
From mysql doc 
https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/aggregate-functions.html#function_sum , 
we know MySQL supports it.
For Kylin, Kylin should support it for Kylin 3.X and the future version 5.x. 
But unluckily, Kylin 4.x didn't support sum exprssion, and Kylin 4.x is the 
version you are using.

4) Does Kylin support MEDIAN?

Yes, Kylin should support but I didn't test it. In fact, Kylin has a measure 
PERCENTILE, and I think 50th percentile is equal to MEDIAN, am I right?


Best wishes to you ! 
From :Xiaoxiang Yu

At 2022-10-11 14:03:14, "Will Glass-Husain" <wgl...@forio.com> wrote:
>Thanks for the recent help as I set up my first Kylin system.   I have a
>question regarding proper design of a cube to run some
>demographic queries.   I want to make this accessible in a webapp, with
>reasonable response time.
>I have a CSV file with about 80 columns on sex, race, state, age, internet
>access, job, etc.
>Can you advise regarding proper cube design?
>1) The criteria for filtering (e.g. selecting sex='male') and grouping
>(e.g. group by state) should be dimensions - is this correct?
>2) Items that I would like to sum should be measures, is that right?   Is
>there a limit to the number of measures?  I want to report out up to 300
>different measures aggregated by the dimensions.
>In MySQL, I am querying for different values like this
>select SUM((married=1) * weight) as MARRIED_1, SUM((married=2) * weight) as
>MARRIED_2 from data group by state;
>This returns the total number of weighted records for records where married
>is 1 and where married is 2.
>Question - is there a way to do this in the Kylin query?    Or do I need to
>pre-compute my weights and create columns MARRIED_1 and MARRIED_2 in the
>source data, then sum it in Kylin.
>4) This is a tricky one.  Does Kylin support MEDIAN?   In MySQL, there's no
>MEDIAN function but we can calculate it by counting all the records, then
>selecting the record at an offset of half the records.   I want to
>calculate "median" (not mean) for age and some other variables.
>Thanks for any tips.
>Best, WILL
>William Glass-Husain   /forio  |  +1 (415) 440 7500 x802  |  forio.com

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