Hi Branko
Quoting Tanovic Branko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Serbian Native language needs help,
I currently did not have time to setup build envoriment for OOo 2.0. So I am Asking some one on the
list could help as to merge our old 1.1.2 GSI , so community could start translation for OOo 2.0.

I think that you should go this way: - create PO files from 1.1.2 GSI - create compendium from these PO files (Kbabel can do this for you) - download 2.0 POT files and POT2PO script from ftp://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/POT/ - use Kbabel or POEdit (or some similar program) and automaticly translate 2.0 PO files using the compendium with 100% match - translate the rest that was not automaticly translated From our experiences numbers are something like: - 2.0 PO has cca 58.000 strings - after running Kbabel with compendium and 100% match, 36.000 untranslated strings left (32.000 in helpcontent2, 4.000 in the rest modules - I guess that mostly in Base) So, as many have already asked (like me ;-) for the localized OOo 2.0, translation ver. 1.0 you can translate 4.000 strings in the GUI and after that get on helpcontent. -- Robert Ludvik -- AUFBIX: "bojni vzklik, poziv na boj" (battle cry...) http://aufbix.org/

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