FYI: in case you have missed Naoyuki's announcement on the list.

Hi again,

I need to update some info regarding next l10n TCM testing.

Here is updated info:
Target platform: Linux and Windows (no Solaris builds this time)
The binary location:

---------- Here is updated announcement -----

We plan to do l10n QA with TCM against latest l10n builds
from Feb 2nd for 2 weeks.
The builds will be from the CWS localization05 which is on the SRC680
This means that builds will not be normal milstone builds
but they will have newly added translations (both UI and OLH) for 2.0.2
So the purpose of this QA will be for finding l10n problems not
for giving Go/NoGo.
The languages which will be abailable :
'de', 'fr', 'it', 'es', 'sv', 'pt_BR', 'nl', 'hu', 'ru', pl,'zh_CN',
'zh_TW', 'ko', and 'ja'

The platforms :
Windows and Linux

Vladimir Glazounov will place the builds at:

Please start to coordinate testers in each native language community
to start QA from Feb/2nd. We will announce target binaries when
they will be ready.

------------------- END ---------------------


Naoyuki Ishimura wrote:

Hi Native Language QA team,

We plan to do l10n QA with TCM against latest l10n build
from Feb 2nd for 2 weeks. The target build will not be normal
milstone build but it will have newly added translations
(both UI and OLH) for 2.0.2 release. (it's CWS localization05)
So the purpose of this QA will be for finding l10n problems
not for giving Go/NoGo.
The languages which will be abailable :
'de', 'fr', 'it', 'es', 'sv', 'nl', 'hu', 'po', 'ru', 'pt_BR',
'zh_CN', 'zh_TW', 'ko', and 'ja'
The platforms :
Windows, Linux, Solaris/x86 and Solaris/SPARC.

Please start to coordinate testers in each native language community
to start QA from Feb/2nd. We will announce target binaries location
when they will be ready.
TCM target Project/Build is " alpha".
(It's not official name but just identifier in only TCM)


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