Hi *,

I've got a question regarding the general date format localization settings. In locale data, we've got regional settings files (like de_DE.xml or pl_PL.xml), and they allow for localizing various formats.

Now, I think there is a serious limitation, at least for Polish. The problem is that the proper long date format, like "31st January, 1999" takes the month name in the genitive case. However, "January 1999" should use the nominative case. There is no way to specify that, and the resulting long format, like "31 styczeń 1999" is simply a grammar error in Polish. I suppose we need three month name settings: short name, long normal name (to be used in "styczeń 1999", in nominative case), and long inflected name (to be used in "31 stycznia 1999"). And there could be a setting in the XML processing that when there is no long inflected name specified (or when it is equal to long normal name) it should default to long normal name. That would be the case for most languages.

Would other languages benefit from that? If not, then I'll file the issue with a low priority, but I suppose this mechanism can be interesting at least for other Slavic languages.

Marcin Miłkowski
Polish NL Lead

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