Hi marquinos,

On Monday, 2008-12-22 01:13:00 -0800, marquinos wrote:

> I wish to start a new Localization project on "Asturian" Language for Open
> Office.org.


> Below I've give some details regarding my language.
> ISO 639-2 Language Code -  ast
> http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/langcodes-keyword.php?SearchTerm=asturian&SearchType=ALL&Submit=Go
> http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/langcodes-keyword.php?SearchTerm=asturian&SearchType=ALL&Submit=Go
> English name of Language: Asturian
> Country: Spain "ES"

To have a LangID assigned and mappings to/from ISO codes added and the
language included in the language list box please first login to the OOo
website and then submit an enhancement issue by using the following URL,
all on one line in case your mail reader wrapped it:

Just state that you want Asturian [ast-ES] included.


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